So far we've created two Models. Our Person model has it's stories field set to an array of ObjectIds. The refoption is what tells Mongoose which model to use during population, in our case the Story model. All _ids we store here must be document _ids from the Story model. We also declared the Story _creator property as aNumber, the same type as the _id used in the personSchema. It is important to match the type of _id to the type of ref.
Note: ObjectId, Number, String, and Buffer are valid for use as refs
1. 在文档关联使用ref一定要注意,关联的那个model只能匹配_id这个字段,你要是搞个自动生成的啥的一概无效。列举一下吧:
var _User = new Schema({ _id:Number,// 只支持ObjectId,Number,String,Buffer,就这几个引用类型,ref匹配的只有这个_id name:String, age:Number});var _Comment = new Schema({ comments:[{ text:String, created_by:{type:Number,ref:'User'}//这个User是model名称,数据类型要于_id的数据类型一致。 }]})var userModel = mongoose.model('User',_User);var commentsModel = mongoose.model('Comment',_Comment);// 查询commentModel.findOne({ }) .populate('comments.created_by') .exec(function (err, commets) { console.log(err,commets); })
2. populate(ref1,ref2) ref1和ref2在源文档的顺序必须一致。